You are the spirit of these lands, and your vibrant jungle is home to a beautiful array of plant and animal life. But this rich natural landscape is also an economic battleground where industry and activists engage in a constant struggle. The goods and information leaving your forest will influence the policies that govern how your land can be used—and what measures stand in the way of its exploitation. 

To turn the winds of change in your favor, you must harness the elements, revitalize the earth, and drive human groups toward locations where they will do the most good—or, if nothing else, the least harm. Cycles of seasons continue until your ecosystem is either safe for the foreseeable future, or harmed beyond hope of repair. Only with urgency and concerted effort will the people of this place rally to defend the forest, and preserve for this planet the trees it needs to breathe. 


Mouse: Select a weather pattern with the buttons in the corner, then select tiles to affect with the chosen weather

WASD: Pan camera


Programming and Game Design:

Samuel Tang:

Daniel He:

Art Design:

McKay Hansen:

Sound Design:

Jack Gruber:


James Benson:


Created for Climate Jam 2024:


Climate Jam 2024 Trailer.mp4 74 MB


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Hi guys, loved the look and idea of the game, great to see how it's grown as we've followed it from an earlier sprint! The art in this final submission really is outstanding, and we wanted to shout out McKay for everything from the animations, to the buttons and the little human figures. In our eyes, it already looks like the art is ready to be shipped. 

The topic of the game itself is interesting, however I wish there was more to the story than just the news headlines. The species not being visible on the map, and just existing as a number does feel like a metaphor for how the public looks at conservation of species (through the lens of a number of a graph with extension at 0), but it would have been nice to see a key stone species, like the tiger, move or disappear from the map as the assets for some of the species look cool in the trailer! (could also be like areas/collections of hexes the animals occupy?)

I loved the concept of the mechanics, and the idea to get the different powers to mix would've been cool, but I totally understand how things get swept by the wayside just to get the game out in the end!

Overall the project is very promising, with incredible art, and some really cool ideas. Hope you guys develop more on the powers, and get some more in depth development to the story.